I am deeply grateful for my parents Füsun and Fahrettin Yarkın, who were my first teachers and introduced me to the piano, my sister Nağme Yarkın, who has supported me since I was born, esteemed Professor Meral Yapalı, who greatly contributed to my music, musicians Wim Warman, Leo Vervelde and Gustavo Beytelmann, who helped to shape my musical thinking, the revered Sertaç Kakı, who recorded the tracks on this album and has always supported me, the beloved Ahenk Music family, who encouraged me to make this album, the beloved Dalkıran family, Gözde Can Kakı, and all the musicians around me, and last but not least, Enver Muhamedi and Burak Cihangirli.


Recording/Mix/Mastering: Sertaç Kakı

Recording Studio: İTÜ MİAM

Photograph: Orçun Kaya

Cover Design: Yeşim Yılmaz

Graphic Design: Fadime Mutlu

Label: Ahenk Music

Recording Date:  26.05.2016 – 24.05.2017